के बारे में WoOoh
Bienvenue sur WoOoh, le réseau social qui vous connecte à ce qui compte vraiment pour vous. Que vous soyez passionné de voyages, de cuisine, de technologie, ou simplement à la recherche de nouvelles amitiés, WoOoh est l'endroit idéal pour partager, découvrir et interagir. Créez des liens authentiques : Partagez vos moments précieux, vos idées et vos passions avec une communauté bienveillante et engagée. Partagez en toute simplicité : Publiez des photos, des vidéos, des stories et des articles en quelques clics. Personnalisez votre profil pour refléter votre personnalité unique. Explorez et découvrez : Plongez dans un univers de contenus variés et inspirants. Suivez des personnes qui partagent vos centres d'intérêt et découvrez de nouvelles perspectives. Votre vie, vos règles : Avec des paramètres de confidentialité avancés, vous contrôlez qui voit vos publications et interagit avec vous. Votre sécurité et votre bien-être sont notre priorité. Discutez et collaborez : Rejoignez des groupes, participez à des discussions en direct et collaborez sur des projets passionnants. Les possibilités sont infinies ! WoOoh est bien plus qu'un réseau social, c'est une communauté où chaque voix compte.

Community standards


Every day, people use WoOoh SOCIAL MEDIA BY DMWB to share experiences, connect with loved ones, and build communities. Our service allows you to express yourself freely, across borders and cultures, in dozens of languages.

We understand the importance to WoOoh SOCIAL MEDIA BY DMWB of providing a space for people to communicate, and we take our role very seriously in preventing abuse of our service. This is why we have created a set of Community Standards that explain what is and is not allowed on WoOoh SOCIAL MEDIA BY DMWB. Our policies are based on feedback from our community and expert opinion in areas such as technology, public safety and human rights. To make sure everyone is respected, we strive to create policies that take into account different views and beliefs, especially those of marginalized or neglected people and communities.


The goal of our Community Standards has always been to create space for expression and to give people a voice. It has not changed and it will not change. To build communities and bring people together, you need to be able to share a variety of perspectives, experiences, ideas and information. We want people to be able to speak up openly about the topics that matter to them, even though others may disagree or find the topics unpleasant. In some cases, we allow the posting of content that violates our Community Standards if it is relevant and in the public interest. We make this decision by weighing the positive impact on the public interest against the potential harm, and we are guided by universal principles of human rights.

The opportunity to express oneself is our priority, but we realize that the Internet is a source of new and growing forms of abuse. Also, when we limit expression, we do so to respect one or more of the following values:


We want to make sure the content people see on WoOoh SOCIAL MEDIA BY DMWB is genuine. We believe that authenticity creates a better environment for sharing, so we don't want people who use WoOoh SOCIAL MEDIA BY DMWB to lie about who they are or what they do.

Security :

We're committed to making WoOoh SOCIAL MEDIA BY DMWB a safe place. Forms of expression that threaten others may intimidate, exclude or silence them, and are not allowed on WoOoh SOCIAL MEDIA BY DMWB.


We are committed to protecting your privacy and information. Privacy gives people the freedom to be themselves, and to choose when and how they share information about WoOoh SOCIAL MEDIA BY DMWB. This makes it easier to build links.

Dignity :

We believe that everyone deserves the same rights and the same dignity. We expect everyone to respect the dignity of others, and not to harass or belittle others.

Our Community Standards apply to everyone, everywhere, and to all types of content. They have been designed to be comprehensive. For example, content that would not be considered hateful could still be removed because it violates another policy. We know that words have different meanings and do not affect people in the same way depending on their local community, language and background. We do everything we can to take these nuances into account while applying our policies fairly and consistently for each user and their freedom of expression. In the case of some policies, we need more information and / or context to enforce the policies according to the Community Standards.

It is possible to report potentially infringing content, including Pages, Groups, Profiles, individual content or comments. We also help them control their own experience by allowing them to block, unsubscribe or hide people and posts.

Violating our Community Standards has a variety of consequences that vary depending on the severity of the violation and the person's background on the platform. We may, for example, warn someone of a first violation, but if they continue to violate our policies, we may limit their ability to post content on WoOoh SOCIAL MEDIA BY DMWB or deactivate their profile. When we believe that content poses a real risk of physical harm or direct harm to public safety, we may also notify the authorities.

Our Community Standards define what is and is not allowed on WoOoh SOCIAL MEDIA BY DMWB. With that in mind, we ask members of the WoOoh SOCIAL MEDIA BY DMWB community to follow these rules.

Please note that the English version of the Community Standards is the most up-to-date set of policies and should be used as a reference document.


DMWB Siège social : DMWB ( WoOoh © ) Le Moulinage Rue Louis Billion 07000 Privas - France

DMWB ( Serveur DMWB )
Capital social : 6000 euros
Siège social : DMWB ( Serveur DMWB Data ) Le Moulinage Rue Louis Billion 07000 Privas - France